Practice Nursing: Clinical Guidelines and Procedures in Practice was written by GPN Theresa Lowry Lehnen and published by iMedical Publisher in 2018.
Theresa has given permission for the IGPNEA to share this PDF version of her book with members on the website, but advises that since the book was written in 2018 some National Guidelines have been updated and the new updates are not reflected in this 1st edition.
*Please use the scroll bar on your right to browse through the book
Book Cover Practice Nursing Clinical Guidelines and Procedures in Practice
Practice Nursing Clinical Guidelines and Procedures in Practice_book
Note from the author: Practice Nursing: Clinical Guidelines and Procedures in Practice provides a comprehensive overview and a step by step guide for nurses carrying out a range of clinical procedures in General Practice and Primary Care settings. National clinical directives, policies, guidelines and documents are regularly updated and should always be consulted. This manual is based on 2018 local and national guidelines. It is intended as a quick guide reference to clinical procedures commonly carried out in Irish health care settings, but main government publications, guidelines and updates should always be referred to.