Proposed introduction of a CEO for the IGPNEA

You will be aware from your branch REPs that the introduction of an Association CEO has been discussed at the past number of NEC / REPs meetings. Each branch REP was asked to gain feedback from their respective branch membership on the possibility of establishing the role of a CEO. The feedback was unanimous for creating the role. The minutes of these NEC / REPs meetings are held on the Association website.

Rationale: The day to day running of the Association is carried out by the NEC officers on a voluntary basis, in their own time. This work is augmented by the NEC REPs who also give of their time on a voluntary basis. The workload has increased enormously over recent years. This is due to the success of raising the profile and visibility of the Association. Our education offering has increased, and the time commitment given to sourcing and moderating the online education has also grown. Invitations to represent IGPNEA and be present at stakeholder meetings has increased. Involvement in Expert Advisory Groups (such as HIQA) on matters relating to general practice nursing has grown.

We are experiencing the benefits of this by seeing increased opportunities to accumulate evidence of undertaking our required CPD. We are also seeing the benefits with the introduction of funded, learning opportunities for GPNs that are relevant to GPNs. More and more of our education is being delivered online at national level, at members’ request, thus reducing the onus upon local branch committees to organise educational meetings.

The Association now has 998 members. To properly represent the members requires commitment and time and energy. It has become increasingly difficult to find a member who is willing to take up the role of National Chair each year at AGM. Should all positions on the NEC not be filled each year the Association would have no option but to disband, as per the CRA and our Articles of Association (see Article 7.1) It is not feasible to continue to run the Association like this. Consistency and certainty are required. We can no longer expect a volunteer member to take annual leave from their paid employment to represent the Association with our stakeholders. We can no longer expect proper engagement with other stakeholders if our representative keeps changing. It takes time to build relationships and to be able to understand the needs of the Association to best represent our members.

The CEO would report directly to the NEC. The day-to-day business of running the Association would be the responsibility of the CEO. The position of CEO would be part-time – hours to be decided. The position of CEO would be funded – remuneration to be decided. The NEC would continue to set the vision and strategy for the Association; the CEO would implement that strategy.

No action to create the role of CEO will be undertaken unless the membership votes in the majority to agree to create the position of CEO. Our existing Articles of Association allow for the creation of such a position (see Article 6.3 (a) and Article 9.7(a)).

To afford all members the opportunity to vote on the decision to create the position of CEO, the NEC has decided to hold a private, electronic, ballot. Casting of your vote will be on the Association website. This method of voting is allowed for under Articles 13.2.2 and 13.4.2.

The poll will remain open for 7 days from today. Each member will be afforded one vote only.

You will be asked to vote “YES” if you agree to creating the role of CEO or vote “NO” if you do not agree to creating the role of CEO.

Vote Below:

The Poll is now closed. We would like to thank all who have voted and the results will be posted shortly.