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Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association

Our vision is that every General Practice Nurse in Ireland will have equal access to appropriate quality education and the specialist role of the General Practice Nurse in General Practice will be recognised, acknowledged, and valued.

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Benefits of Membership

The home for all General Practice Nurses in Ireland.

Latest News

All latest healthcare and nursing news in one place.

Educational Hub

The Hub is your resource centre for all educational materials.

IGPNEA Journal

Members get a monthly copy of Nursing in General Practice.

IGPNEA Conferences

Held annually - a chance for like minds to get together.
The next IGPNEA conference will take place May 13th & 14th in Waterford.

e-Learning zone

Full access to IGPNEA Members on E-Learning website with wide range of course categories including: Women’s Health, Vaccination, Smoking Cessation, Health Promotion, Mental Health, Cardiovascular and much more.

Go to the e-Learning zone

Role of the General Practice Nurse

There are approximately over 2,000 General Practice Nurses in Ireland. They are involved in immunisations, cervical screening, health promotion, phlebotomy, weight management, smoking cessation, women’s health, men’s health, antenatal & postnatal care, wound management, travel vaccinations, cryotherapy, counselling, stress management, ear care, methadone maintenance; management of chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dermatology ; as well as clinical audits, practice protocols, CPR training, etc.
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Benefits of Membership

Monthly Meetings

Invitation to each monthly educational meeting of your local branch, which will include a speaker who has been carefully chosen by the branch committee to talk about a subject that is relevant to General Practice Nursing in your area and update you on the latest guidelines / best practice.

Reduced Fees

Reduced Delegate Fee for the annual IPNA Educational Conference/AGM. All aspects of the conference, i.e. theme, speakers, clinical workshops, poster display area, research presentations, awards and exhibitors, are specifically relevant to General Practice Nurses.

Free Journal

Free delivery of “Nursing in General Practice”, the official Journal of the Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association.

Free eLearning

Free access to the Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association eLearning platform with over 50 online modules to complete for professional development purposes.

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History of IGPNEA

The Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association (IGPNEA) is a professional membership association of General Practice Nurses and was granted Charitable Tax Exemption (CHY 17932) in June 2008. The main objective of the association “is the advancement of education in general practice in Ireland by promoting and assisting nurses in further education programmes and to provide a forum for the dissemination of information on developments in the General Practice Nursing field which will promote the highest standards of care to benefit the community.”

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  1. 1989 Circular 5/89 from Department of Health announces new subsidy available to GPs to assist with the cost of employing a Practice Nurse.
  2. 1990 Practice Nurses, like all nurses, are required by An Bord Altranais to maintain clinical competence. However no specific formal education exists, so Practice Nurses around Ireland start to meet in small groups to share information and source relevant education. IPNA logo designed by Kate MacCormack (daughter of Netta Williams, a founding member of the IPNA).
  3. 1993 6th November, first General Meeting of IPNA. Proposed Articles of Association discussed.
  4. 1994 Inaugural National Executive Committee meeting. Registration of the name "Irish Practice Nurses Association" with Companies Registration Office. Articles of Association finalised and signed.
  5. 1995 First IPNA Annual Conference & AGM held in Galway.
  6. 1996 "Introduction to Practice Nursing" course available in RCSI and continues until 2002.
  7. 1997 IPNA members work hard to ensure that Practice Nurses are included in the forthcoming Commission on Nursing. Several Submissions are made.
  8. 1998 Commission on Nursing is published by the Dept of Health. IPNA Wexford Branch formed.
  9. 1999 First issue of "Irish Practice Nurse" Journal is published.
  10. 2000 IPNA works to ensure that the recommendation of the Commission on Nursing to create Practice Nurse Facilitator posts (which would later be re-titled "Professional Development Coordinators for Practice Nurses") is implementated.
  11. 2001 Several Practice Nurses receive CNS grade.
  12. 2002 First of 11 Professional Development Coordinator for Practice Nurses posts is filled.
  13. 2003 First IPNA website developed and hosted by National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery.
  14. 2004 IPNA Conference Coordinator post created for pilot period of 2 years.
  15. 2005 1,077 Practice Nurses working in Ireland. First accreditation of a Practice Nurse as ANP in Primary Care. IPNA Bursary re-introduced.
  16. 2006 1,239 Practice Nurses working in Ireland. Employment of part-time IPNA administrator. Conference Coordinator position created on 3 year fixed term basis. IPNA Branch Poster Award developed. Valere Mangan IPNA Loyalty Award developed. A second Practice Nurse is accredited as ANP in Primary Care. IPNA works with ICGP to update the publication "The Practice Nurse - a Guide to Nursing in General Practice". IPNA, with the support of ProMed, produces the "IPNA Members Resource Pack and Personal Portfolio".
  17. 2007 Employment of part-time membership secretary 1st complete review of Articles of Association with postal vote. IPNA Clinical Award developed. Final issue of "Irish Practice Nurse" Journal is published.
  18. 2008 1,461 Practice Nurses working in Ireland. First issue of "Nursing in General Practice" Journal is published. IPNA co-organise the inaugural All-Ireland Nursing in the Community Conference with the ICHN and CPHVA (N.I.) New independent website designed and posted on the internet. 2nd revision of Articles of Association by postal vote. IPNA is granted Charitable Tax Exemption by Revenue Commissioners. Full Membership Survey carried out.
  19. 2009 1,519 Practice Nurses working in Ireland. Memberships & Renewals now managed centrally by Membership Secretary. Development of Research page on IPNA website. Creation of Membership page on IPNA website, which includes the option to download a Membership Form.
  20. 2010 6 Practice Nurses become Registered Nurse Prescribers.
  21. 2011 Approx. 1,700 Practice Nurses now working in Ireland. IPNA Annual Conference 2011 opened up so that all Practice Nurses working in Ireland can now register for the event.
  22. 2012 February - Kildare/Carlow Branch divides into two branches to facilitate better access for members in both counties to branch educational meetings. June - 35,512 visits to this website since its launch in Sept 2008. July - Video about Benefits of Membership posted on You Tube. September - 11 IPNA members are now Registered Nurse Prescribers. October - Criteria for membership changed to include RCNs and RMs. Also Associate Membership made available to previous members who have retired from Practice Nursing or are on a career break. November - IPNA Logo trademarked.
  23. 2013 February - IPNA South Dublin Branch established. 3rd June - A group of members participate in the Flora Women's Mini-Marathon on behalf of the IPNA and in support of the Marie Keating Foundation. Extensive work undertaken to make online educational modules available to members.
  24. 2014 It is estimated that there are now 1,800 Practice Nurses working in Ireland. IPNA e-Learning Zone launched.
  25. 2015 IPNA is included on the Charities Regulatory Authority website. New website is launched.
  26. 2016 IPNA representation on Health Reform “The Future Healthcare Policy Reform”
  27. 2017 Practice Nurse Education and Qualification survey circulated by IPNA/IPNA representation on DOH Capacity Review
  28. 2018 IPNA representation NMBI Developing a Professional Competence Scheme for Nurses and Midwives; 3 IPNA members nominated for Irish Medical Times Practice Nurse of the year award.
  29. 2019 IPNAS increased profile; IPNA members on several National groups, including TOP services, CAG Cervical Check, HPV Screening.
  30. 2020 1st Virtual NEC meeting held via Zoom. IPNA undertook a national survey of Irish general practice nurses to provide clarity and enhance understanding of the role which generated a great response
  31. 2021 Officially changed the Associations name to Irish General Practice Nurses Educational Association (IGPNEA). Onboarded to a fully GDPR compliant messaging platform. Moved to a centralised bank account for the 18 branches.

What members think about the IGPNEA

The IGPNEA is a terrific resource for new practice nurses and for those not so new. It assists me in my professional development through regular educational meetings and the email alerts keep me up to date with what’s going on. The association is invaluable in terms of peer support and friendship as many GPNs work in isolation

IGPNEA member(North East)

We’ll let the numbers speak…

of IGPNEA members are dual qualified

i.e. registered on 1 or more Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland/NMBI divisions in addition to the RGN division (1)

PN's have undertaken post-registration education or skills updates

Ranging from certificates to PhDs) in clinical areas that are relevant to General Practice Nursing (2)

Practice Nurses that work in the Republic of Ireland

Practice Nurses are accredited as Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioners (RANP)

in Primary Care with an additional 4 posts awaiting approval (3)

  1. Membership Database of the Irish General Practice Nurses Education Association 2020
  2. Professional Development Coordinators for General Practice Nursing Group, 2020
  3. IGPNEA National Educational Survey 2020

News / Events / Blog

02/04/2024 in Research

IMO Survey Highlights ‘Unsustainable’ Working Environment for Junior Doctors

A survey of NCHDs (Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors) published today, Tuesday 2nd April 2024, by the Irish Medical Organisation has found that the health and safety of both patients and doctors…
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28/03/2024 in Public News

Irish Medical Organisation Response to Medical Council Workforce Intelligence Report

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has said that the recent Medical Council’s ‘Medical Workforce Intelligence Consolidated Report 2022’ highlights the lack of workforce planning to ensure we have enough doctors…
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12/03/2024 in Public News

Over 100,000 People Added to Waiting Lists Despite €1.2 Billion Spent on Reduction Measures Since 2020

More than 111,000 people have been added to hospital waiting lists in the past four years, despite the Government spending a staggering €1.2 billion over the same period on initiatives…
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Contact us

For any queries, contact us here



Membership of the IGPNEA is available to nurses on the Active Register of NMBI on any one of the following divisions: RGN, RCN, RM, RPHN, and who are currently working in General Practice in the Republic of Ireland.  For more information please see the Membership page of this website.  Alternatively, you can contact the Membership Officer at 086 263 4917 or e-mail:  membership@irishpracticenurses.ie

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